Can you already call it „everyday-life“ when you do not really know what to write about? Maybe. But it is not the kind of everyday-life we are used do. You see, it is definitely not that nothing special happened this week. Actually a lot happened especially for the JAP in February. We continuously worked on the site documentation and analysis. Research results, maps, drawings, plans, layouts: It all floated around in our heads day in, day out. So we already had a decent overview about what it is like in Walmer Township when we entered class on Tuesday.
With Janets Development Course the Short Learning Program is back on track. During the course we got access to the official data base of the South African census which not only turned out to be a science in itself but was going to keep us busy for half the night and the following day.
Side by side the material research started: What can we possibly use? What is available? What do we already have? So apart from all the historic facts and demographic data about Walmer Township our discussions revolved around concrete and concrete alternatives and from what walls can be made of… A never ending story, honestly.
After all that theory we were kind of happy to be back on site on Friday facing the challenges of our storage area: window blinds to be put up, Eco Bricks to be moved, palettes to be dismantled, dogs to be cuddled and monkeys to be chased away from the food. By the way: On that day we also lifted the so called elevator pitch to a new level: the parking lot presentation.
The week ended with a short (or long?) Friday night with our fellow students drinking, sharing the favourite music of everyone and eventually not thinking about uni, work or exams. It ended with a weekend where nothing happened apart from everyone doing whatever she wants to do: It ended with riding, reading and relaxing before the craziness of the next week starts.
007_Living along