2021, Joint Action Project

Fotos: Faculty of Architecture and Design, Hochschule Wismar, 3.2.2021

Joint Action Project - In the winter semester 2021/22, substitute professor Daniel Hülseweg, research assistant Frauke Nessler and about 15 students from the Architecture course of study at the Faculty of Architecture and Design, Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences worked together with the interdisciplinary team of about 16 students from Nelson Mandela University and Port Elizabeth Tvet College from South Africa via online conferences to develop new space from used materials. Due to Corona, the student self-build project planned for February 2022 in Port Elizabeth, SouthAfrica, cannot take place. Therefore, the Wismar students built up a part of their design in the foyer and created a construction manual, which will then be handed over to the project partners. Here are pictures of the set-up on Thursday, February 3rd, 2022, supported by the workshop leader.

Since 2015, the Joint Action Project has been working on "green" alternatives for more sustainable urban structures and building typologies in South Africa, with a special focus on "townships".

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