Documentation and Movie

Supported by the Department of Research and Innovation as well as the Förderkreis of Wismar University, project presentations and exhibitions have been initiated (in Port Elizabeth and Wismar) in order to raise a broader audience´s attention, and by doing so particularly highlighting the social significance of the project.

Beyond these activities a cinematographic documentation is planned, displaying project activities beyond local level, thus promoting a continuation of the required financial support. Two students of the Communication and Media Design course joint the self-constructing team for this purpose. Currently processing the material as part of their course work, they are supported by Prof. Jochen Wisotzki of Wismar University. A completion of the movie is scheduled for July 2017, for presentation launch during the annual exhibition „ DIA“ of the Faculty of Architecture and Design.

The project initiators are very much looking forward to an active dialogue with all interested parties and supporters!