Award: AIV Schinkel Competition 2022

Es sind die drei Ausgezeichneten zu sehen.
(v.l.n.r.) Milena Louisa Müller, Peer Röder und Philip Mein, die an der Hochschule Wismar studieren, erhielten in Berlin einen Sonderpreis In der Fachsparte Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau für ihren Wettbewerbsbeitrag „creation hub“.
Foto: Hochschule Wismar/kb
The cable car station by Milena Louisa Müller, Philip Mein and Peer Röder, which is labeled "creation hub", won a special prize in the structural engineering category.
Visualization: Müller, Mein, Röder/ Hochschule Wismar

At the beginning of March 2022, the winners of the 167th AIV Schinkel Competition on the theme "Resource Rüdersdorf - remixed" were published by the Berlin-Brandenburg Association of Architects and Engineers (AIV). This includes our three students Peer Röder and Milena Louisa Müller from the course of studies architecture and as well as Philip Mein from the course of studies civil engineering of Hochschule Wismar. In the "Structural Engineering" category, they received the special prize for outstanding engineering performance donated by the Berlin Chamber of Construction for their work "creation hub". This makes them the third interdisciplinary team from our university to win this prize in succession.

The students were supervised by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Asko Fromm of the Faculty of Architecture and Design and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Kersten Latz and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörn Weichert of the Faculty of Engineering. Prize money totaling 28,700 euros will be awarded, according to the organizers. During the Schinkel Festival, scheduled for August 26, 2022, the award ceremony will take place.

A total of eleven works out of a total of 123 submitted entries were awarded prizes. The task was offered in the disciplines of architecture, civil engineering, urban planning, landscape architecture, traffic planning and fine arts.

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