Light Symposium in Norway

Faculty of Architecture and Design, Hochschule Wismar, 2019

On Tuesday, April 20th, 2021, the first Light Symposium meeting of the now four partners from Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden took place online. The next dates of the professional event in 2022, 2023, 2024, for example, were discussed. In 2024, the Light Symposium is to be organized for the first time by the Norwegians.

The Light Symposium was once initiated by the master's program Architectural Lighting Design. The seventh Light Symposium in 2021 was organized by the master's program Architectural Lighting Design at Wismar University of Applied Sciences together with the university's own research GmbH Wismar. The presentations are made available at 

Contact person:
Prof. Michael Rohde

The partners at a glance:

  • Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark (AAU)
  • Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design, Germany
  • University of South-Eastern Norway, Kongsberg, Norway (USN)
  • Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden (KTH)

Organizers 2022 to 2024:

  • 2022 organized by AAU in Denmark
  • 2023 organized by KTH in Sweden
  • 2024 organized by USN in Norway

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