Poster competition: Third place for April Suddendorf

April Suddendorf takes third place in nationwide poster competition.
Photo: Faculty of Architecture and Design, Hochschule Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design, 2020
Photographer: Julia Wulf

April Suddendorf, a student from the Communication Design and Media diploma program at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Wismar University of Applied Sciences, won third place with her work "No research without research" in the 34th poster competition on the topic "I study - what's research to me?". The poster competition was jointly organized by the German Student Union (DSW) and the German Research Foundation (DFG) and is embedded in the DFG campaign "DFG 2020 - Deciding for Knowledge". Three third places, two second places, one first place and one special prize were awarded. Third place is endowed with 1000 euros. A jury of five experts distributed a total of 10,000 euros in prize money. In addition, the German Research Foundation awarded a special prize of 3,000 euros.

In the winter semester 2019/20, the course was offered under the title "Illustration XXL: the illustrated poster" with professor representative Sophia Martineck, in which, among other things, the poster series by April Suddendorf (then in the 5th semester) was created. Suddendorf's poster series was created in silhouette. Ribbons connect the individual posters. "If we hadn't done research before, we wouldn't be where we are now," Suddendorf said of her design. The competition was announced at all state and nationally recognized design colleges nationwide. Students of graphic design, communication design and visual communication were eligible to participate.

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