Ulrich Müther at the Baltic Sea trade fair

Booklet 4 Müther Archive of the University of Wismar, source: Wismar University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Architecture and Design
“Construction and Petroleum” exhibition hall at the Rostock Baltic Sea Trade Fair, source: Müther Archive at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences
“Construction and Petroleum” exhibition hall at the Rostock Baltic Sea Trade Fair, source: Müther Archive at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences
Restoration of the former exhibition hall in Rostock-Schutow, photo by Wilfried Dechau, given to the Müther Archive at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences for use.

Title: Ulrich Müther auf der Ostseemesse – Die denkmalgerechte Sanierung der Messehalle in Rostock-Schutow (German version)

Issue 4 of the Müther Archive publication series at the Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, published in December 2024, is dedicated to the refurbishment of the former exhibition hall in Rostock-Schutow, which is considered a key work in the biography of the master builder Ulrich Müther from Binz and established the success of his concrete shell constructions in the GDR and beyond. The publication was produced in co-operation with the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Office for Culture and Monument Preservation. In the form of specialised texts, a photo series and an interview, it documents the significance of the monument as well as the successful cooperation between the owner, monument conservators and planners in the implementation of the pioneering renovation project.

Issue 4, Wismar, 2024
47 pages
nominal charge 14,00 €
ISBN 978-3-947929-27-6

Published by:
Müther Archive of the University of Wismar

Studio Dirk Wagner

Prof. Matthias Ludwig, Head of the Müther Archive
Dina Falbe; Master of Science, Research Assistant at the Müther Archive

Available via the Müther-Archiv.

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