Four days of „reflektor - Festival of Communication" successful

Workshop von Prof. Dr. Dirk Stederoth
Workshop by Prof. Dr. Dirk Stederoth of the University of Kassel, photographer: Nils Strothoff
Auf dem Podium
On the podium Prof. dr. Christine Linke and student Sara School, Photo: Nils Strothoff
Die betreuenden Lehrenden
The supervising teachers: Prof. Hanka Polkehn, Prof. Björn Kernspeckt, Prof. Dr. Maxi Berger, Photographer: Marion Tepper

"Communication overkill" means being overwhelmed by media, "disinformation" refers to the strategic spread of false news. The focus was on the question of how budding communication designers can deal with these phenomena in their design practice.

Experts, creative people and media representatives were invited to discuss the phenomenon together with students, prospective students, pupils, teachers and other interested parties and to implement it in design. The festival was conceived by students of the diploma programme Communication Design and Media as well as Prof. Dr. Maxi Berger, Prof. Hanka Polkehn and Prof. Björn Kernspeckt.

Over four days, more than 150 guests took part in the diverse programme with ten lectures, twelve theoretical and design workshops, film screenings, performances, panel discussions and more. "With the highly topical theme, the chosen formats and the accompanying application, "reflektor" attracted attention both regionally and nationally," the organising team is pleased to report.

The opening event took place in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. The festival was also supported by donations from Techniker Krankenkasse and Hanseatische Brauerei Rostock GmbH.

More also on the homepage at »



Revised text version, published on 30th May 2023
Information on the text received from:
Team, reflector – Festival of Communication

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