In cooperation with the e-learning centre of Wismar University of Applied Sciences, a video tour through studios, corridors and seminar rooms of the faculty building House 7 has been realised. The student projects and final theses from Architectural Lighting Design, Architecture, Design with Product and Jewellery Design, Interior Design, Communication Design and Media of the annual exhibition DIA 2019 can thus be discovered from the comfort of your own home. For an optimal experience of the virtual tour, a PC or laptop with a current browser (e.g. Edge, Chrome, Firefox) is recommended. The tour is based on images from the annual exhibition DIA 2019.
360° video tour, annual exhibition DIA 2019

Project Infos
Year: 2020
Interior DesignProduct Design
Hantke, Oliver, Prof.
Sybille Scheuffele, Rebekka Jochem, Leon Pautsch
Project type:
Group ProjectCooperation
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