Loop – All End Begin

Bird's eye view

Project Infos

Year: 2022


Niemann, Beate, Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Alice Czarnietzki, Anastasia Telegina

Project type:

Following the guiding idea of "Loop", the architecture students Alice Czarnietzki and Anastasia Telegina develop a concept for future-oriented distribution and food issues in their urban design in order to make the best and most efficient use of the existing Berlin wholesale market area and to link different structures and processes with each other. In this context, a separate look is also taken at the traffic problems of the site in terms of high immissions. The aim of the urban design is to make the area accessible to the public, combined with a sustainable restructuring of the area and a removal of the current mono-functionality.

The Westhafen and the Berlin wholesale market can be described as "secret places" despite their convenient and relatively central location in the city. Hardly anyone has any idea what goes on in the warehouses and what significance this area has for the supply of the city. On the one hand, the two students will develop scenarios for the future supply of a metropolitan society with food, and on the other hand, they will make it possible to identify with the supply area at this central location through improved perception, insights into market operations and innovative mixes of uses.

Based on an overall spatial view, the structural qualification and linking potentials of this urban and landscape space with its surroundings are shown. With the help of redensification, different cycles are connected with each other by means of active mixing of uses in order to generate the best possible cycle of uses. Private and public areas are linked, thereby promoting communication and social engagement at neighbourhood and citywide level. By demonstrating alternatives that expand the quality parameters of building and inspire society to embrace climate-friendly architecture, the wholesale market and the public can correspond with each other. Life, nature, economy, mobility and architecture are interwoven in an intelligent way.

Site plan
Beusselriegel zoning
Tramline 8 and Beusselriegel
Floor plans Beusselriegel

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