Weltatelier Wismar - students first, friends forever

Project Infos

Year: 2017


Hackel, Marcus, Prof. Dr.-Ing.Hennemeyer, Arnd Florian, Prof. Dr.-Ing.Lampe, Sabrina, MA ArchitekturWollensak, Martin, Prof.


Project type:
Group Project

The occasion of the 25th anniversary of architecture studies Wismar has led to reflect the exchange with the alumni. Just celebrating this event and doing it the next time is not enough for us. This led to the idea of using special funds from the DAAD to develop a new exchange platform that helps us cultivate contacts. Now, after finishing our activities and starting a new alumni platform it‘s about taking advantage of the offer and bringing it to life. We hope that we will be able to make the most diverse friendships and develop new ones. With the collected impressions the workshop participants came together in groups to sum up their own wishes for a ‘studio after graduation‘. The first workshop day ended with further intercultural discussions over a glass of wine and traditional German food. Each group spent the second workshop day to materialise their concepts. The goal was to support Alumni connections and encourage new contacts under the motto weltatelierwismar. Would it be better to use a virtual platform or could it be real walk-in space on a campus? Which functions are necessary? Should they push careers or rather revive old friendships? The examples show answers and approaches of some group work.

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Results Group 4
Results Group 5

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