Art medal by Svea Finck awarded

Casting mold made of plaster from the award-winning medal by Svea Finck.
Back of the medal by Svea Finck.

Fotos: Faculty of Architecture and Design, Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, Technology, Business and Design, 2020

The Numismatic Collection of the National Museums in Berlin, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medaillenkunst e.V. (German Medal Society) and the Numismatische Gesellschaft zu Berlin e.V. (Numismatic Society of Berlin) had jointly announced the competition in December 2019. On Thursday, October 8, 2020, a top-class, eight-member expert jury selected from a total of 26 submitted entries, 15 of which medals had met the formal requirements, and recently notified the prize winners.

In the summer semester 2020, under the guidance of lecturer Anna Martha Napp, and accompanied by Prof. Andrea Wippermann from the design course and Prof. Hanka Polkehn from the communication design and media course, models and castings in white metal were created, of which seven student works from Wismar University were submitted to the competition.
A selection of the best works is to be shown from Friday, November 27, 2020 until October 2021 in the new special exhibition of the Numismatic Collection on the theme "From Eve to Greta, Women on Coins and Medals" at the Bode Museum on Museum Island in Berlin. More detailed information on opening hours and hygiene regulations is provided online on the Bode Museum website. here >>

The three prize winners
1st prize of 1000 euros goes to Svea Finck, Wismar
2nd prize of 600 euros goes to Katja Neubert, Halle/ Saale
3rd prize of 400 euros goes to Claudius Riedmiller, Stuttgart

The eight-member expert jury
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weisser, Berlin
Dr. Angela Berthold, Berlin
Marianne Dietz, Berlin 
Dr. Johannes Eberhardt, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Jannis Hourmouziadis, Berlin
Prof. Klaus Kowalski, Wunstorf
Dr. Andreas Schikora, Berlin
Carsten Theumer, Halle/ Saale

If you have any questions about the project, please do not hesitate to contact
Prof. Andrea Wippermann
Phone: 03841 753-7334




Die drei Preisträger
1. Preis mit 1000 Euro geht an Svea Finck, Wismar
2. Preis mit 600 Euro geht an Katja Neubert, Halle/ Saale
3. Preis mit 400 Euro geht an Claudius Riedmiller, Stuttgart

Die achtköpfige Fachjury
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Weisser, Berlin
Dr. Angela Berthold, Berlin
Marianne Dietz, Berlin 
Dr. Johannes Eberhardt, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Jannis Hourmouziadis, Berlin
Prof. Klaus Kowalski, Wunstorf
Dr. Andreas Schikora, Berlin
Carsten Theumer, Halle/ Saale

Bei Fragen zu dem Projekt wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an
Prof. Andrea Wippermann
Telefon: 03841 753-7334

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