Standard timber construction systems

Project Infos

Year: 2021


Wollensak, Martin, Prof.

Research network, Duration until 2023

Project type:
Group ProjectCooperation

Development of a standard timber construction system with renewable raw materials in a research network.

The use of wood in the construction of public buildings is still too low in Germany. Wood is the only raw material available worldwide that can be sustainably produced in such large quantities through growth in our forests that it can be used as a mass building material on a par with other building materials such as steel, concrete and masonry. Therefore, wood as a raw material should be used more, especially in public buildings.

The aim of the project is to provide a universal timber construction system. Both economic and ecological aspects are taken into account in order to ensure competitiveness with other existing construction methods. Together with the planned timber construction, planning instruments will be developed that can be transferred to the production and assembly, as well as the deconstructability and further use of a building including its components. In the process, neither design individuality nor diversity is to be foregone.

In collaboration with

  • Haas Fertigbau GmbH vertreten durch Herr Xaver A. Haas  more »
  • Hauptverband der Deutschen Holzindustrie (HDH e.V.) vertreten durch Dr. Denny Ohnesorge  more »
  • Technische Universität Braunschweig more »
    Institut für Bauklima und Energie der Architektur IBEA vertreten durch Prof. Dipl,-Ing. Elli Endres
    Institut für Baukonstruktion und Holzbau vertreten durch Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mike Sieder


  • Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. more »

Funded by

  • Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft more »

Additionally supervised by


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