Registration via Studienportal of the University of Wismar (only for German students).

For the summer term until the 15th of January each year. 

Online application for the summer term starting the 1st of December.

Please send your application to

German students

Hochschule Wismar
University of Applied Sciences
Technology, Business and Design
Dezernat Studentische und
Akademische Angelegenheiten
PF 1210
23952 Wismar

International students
Hochschule Wismar
University of Applied Sciences
Technology, Business and Design
International Office
23952 Wismar

After successful online application to study please print out the application for admission and send it together with the other application documents (current CV, a letter of motivation, portfolio, performance overview) to the Dezernat Studentische und Akademische Angelegenheiten.

POSTAGE COSTS AND INSURANCES. We ask you to stamp your shipments sufficiently. There are no costs for postage, returns or insurance from our side. Thank you very much!

We look forward to receiving your application!