Sun 8Jan2023

Objects in daylight artificial light

Dorfstraße 5/7, 23992 Klein Warin

Under the title "light art from artificial light", 17 students from the international Master's programme Architectural Lighting Design present their…

show event
Wed 2Nov2022

Wismarer DIAlog with Johanna Seelemann

Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

Johanna Seelemann, Leipzig, on the topic "Design as a Tool for the Future - On a Journey from Reykjavik, via Amsterdam and Eindhoven to Leipzig".

show event
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Trade show: blickfang, Hamburg 2022

Messe Hamburg – South Entrance, Hall B1, Karolinenstraße 45, 20357 Hamburg

The Faculty of Architecture and Design at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, is taking part in the "blickfang, Hamburg 2022" trade…

show event

Wismarer DIAlog with Lars Kempin

Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

Lars Kempin, creative agency blood from Hamburg, on the topic of "Reign in Blood - Surviving as an advertising agency".

show event

Wismarer DIAlog with Marc Dufour-Feronce

Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

Marc Dufour-Feronce, rundzwei Architekten, Berlin, on the topic of "Designing and building with sustainable materials - from cork to carbonised wood".

show event

PhanTechnikum shows architectural drafts

PhanTechnikum – Technisches Landesmuseum M-V, Zum Festplatz 34, Wismar

Master drafts for the urban planning and architectural development of the PhanTechnikum - Technisches Landesmuseum M-V will be exhibited.

show event

Finissage: Ideas for Theatre Spaces

M*Halle, Gutenbergstr. 1, 19061 Schwerin

Finissage with designs by Master students of interior design in cooperation with the Mecklenburg State Theatre Schwerin.

show event