Structural Engineering Teachers' Symposium 2022

The participants of the "Structural Engineering Teachers Symposium 2022" on the balcony of the Technology and Trade Centre Wismar. The shipyard in the background.

Source: Faculty of Architecture and Design, Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, 20th May 2022

The more than ten participants of the "Structural Engineering Teachers' Symposium 2022", which took place at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, came mainly from German-speaking countries, from Graz (Austria) to Hamburg, but also from Versailles in France. Prof. Dr. Asko Fromm with the appointment "Structural Design" has been teaching at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, since the summer semester 2017 and had invited to the two-day meeting starting on Thursday, 19th May 2022. On the one hand, they talked about how to deal with the effects of the Corona period and the challenges of climate change with regard to future teaching and research in the institutes. But also the exchange between the participants was the aim of the symposium.

The lectures on current structural engineering and research at the universities and colleges were held in the Wismar Technology and Business Centre, which was designed by the internationally renowned architect Jean Nouvel. Two joint evenings with harbour flair were also included in the symposium programme.

Next year the meeting is to take place in Kassel. The aim is to have an annual meeting.

The last conference at Hochschule Wismar on "Structural Engineering in Architectural Training" took place 20 years ago, on 30th and 31th May 2002.

If you have any questions, please contact
Prof. Dr. Asko Fromm
03841 753–7395

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