Künstler und Designer, Ingenieure und Techniker, Wissenschaftler und Forscher und Digitalisierungsexperten sind eingeladen, vorzustellen, was sie mit Licht machen, sich darüber auszutauschen, zu diskutieren und zu experimentieren. Alle Hochschulen und Hersteller, Experten und Interessierte, die mitmachen wollen, wenden sich bitte an: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Römhild
The third LICHTCAMPUS will take place in Wismar from March 20 to 27, 2019. It is an open invitation for a transdisciplinary forum that will take place at the University of Wismar. It will include lectures and workshops, production and presentation about light as material, medium or tool in the 21st Century. What light can do? is the guiding question facing environmental needs, societal challenges and sustainable developments in the 21. Century. Artists and designers, engineers and technicians, scientists and researchers as well as experts of digitizing are invited to present and to exchange, to discuss and to experiment what they do with light. All universities and manufacturers, experts and interested persons who would like to participate, please contact: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Römhild