Mi. 2Mai2018

Wismarer DIAlog | Stefan Behnisch: architektonische Relevanz d. Lichts

Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

Stefan Behnisch: Die architektonische Relevanz des Lichtes
(Behnisch Architekten / Stuttgart)

Stefan Behnisch
, born 1957, is the Founding Partner of Behnisch Architekten. He is aworld-renowned advocate and educator of sustainable building design, and has lectured atconferences all over the world. Behnisch’s goal - to connect the forces of human life and thenatural environment - fuels the design of every commission his firm receives. Since foundingBehnisch, Behnisch & Partner in 1989 (now Behnisch Architekten), Stefan Behnisch hasdirected the design of dynamic, award-winning buildings that promote sustainability withinthe built environment. With a design portfolio that includes master planning, public buildings,healthcare clinics, sports facilities, redevelopment, offices, schools, and museums, Behnischstrives to design inclusive buildings that provide maximum benefit to all users. His innovativeapproach to sustainable architecture is highly acknowledged in Europe, North America,and all over the world, and his buildings have been honored by prestigious institutions andindustry organizations alike.Der Vortrag kann als Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Architektenkammer MV anerkannt werden.

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  • Campus Wismar, Haus 7a, Hörsaal

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