

Jahr: 2018


Hack, Achim, Prof.Zimmermann, Nora, Dipl.-Ing. (FH)

Sarah Busching, Simone Sprenger, Sophie Golle


Anlässlich des 'Small House of Universal Design Award' entwickelten die Studenten flexible Gartenmodule im Bauhausstil 2.0.


Considering the most important thing in a garden, all you really need is a toilet.
Therefore it is the central core („Herzstück“) of our concept and the starting point of every other module.

In addition to the toilet box it would be nice to have a space for stowing your equipment and a place for barbecues. These three modules perform the essential requirements of a garden shed. The ‚pop uped‘ flaps form a perfectly fitting roof, if you place the boxes on a 1,25m x 1,25m grid.

The boxes need protection from weather influences, so we designed walls, that can be opened with pneumatic springs to form a roof. This creates a whole new living space.

The high flexibility of the grid allows you to arrange the modules in any position you like. So the user can build up (“aufbauen”) his own individual gardenhouse.

The „Aufbauhaus“ consists of three prefabricated modules: Herzstück, Schmuckstück & Brutzelstück.

All can stand for there own or be purchased separately.

Our concept follows the main ideas of Bauhaus, small house and universal design. It is adaptable and will be easily accessible to anyone.

The openness allows a communication between nature and humans.
It can be a place for a new community – a common House, that communicates with nature and humans but also between people among each other.

It should be an open place of sociability, where ideas can grow and creativity will be promoted.

Student Editors: Simone Sprenger, Sophie Golle, Sarah Busching
Master Study Course, Interior Architecture, Hochschule Wismar, Design Faculty

Supervisors: Prof. Achim Hack, Lect. Nora Zimmermann

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