Asko Fromm
Prof. Dr.-Ing.Field of designation: TragwerkslehreArchitekturInnenarchitekturBuilding 7a · Room 1.302Ph.-Müller-Straße · 23966 Wismar
Rafia Firdous, Florent Keller, Dietmar Stephan, Asko Fromm, 2024. High-Resolution 3D printed Objects made of low CO2 Inorganic Binders, in: Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Building Materials for Sustainability Construction. Universität Kassel, pp. 231–235.
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Fromm, A., Hack, N. (Eds.), 2023. Visions and Strategies for Reinforcing Additively Manufactured Constructions 2023. TIB Open Publishing.
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Fromm, Asko (2022): Digital Fabrication with Cement-Based Materials: Process Classification and Case Studies. In: Nicolas Roussel und Dirk Lowke (Hg.): Digital fabrication with cement-based materials. State-of-the-art report of the RILEM TC 276-DFC. Cham: Springer (RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, volume 36), S. 11–48.
Fromm, Asko (2022): Structural Design and Testing of Digitally Manufactured Concrete Structure. In: Nicolas Roussel und Dirk Lowke (Hg.): Digital fabrication with cement-based materials. State-of-the-art report of the RILEM TC 276-DFC. Cham: Springer (RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, volume 36), S. 187–222.
Fromm, Asko; Mechtcherine, Viktor (Hg.) (2022): Vision and Strategies for Reinforcing Additively Manufactured Concrete Structures (Open Conference Proceedings (OCP), 1).
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M. Schein, M. Eschenbach, and A. Fromm, "Tailored Structures - Parametrics for sustainable Constructions," in Inspiring the Next Generation - Proceedings of the International Conference on Spatial Structures 2020/21 (IASS2020/21-Surrey7): Spatial Structures Research Centre of the University of Surrey, 2021, pp. 243–253.
Becker, Mirco; Fromm, Asko; Mecke, Philipp; Keller, Florent (2021): Space Shingles. Casting bespoke connectors for structural shingles. In: Olivier Baverel, Cyril Douthe, Romain Mesnil, Catlin Mueller, Helmut Pottmann und Tomohiro Tachi (Hg.): Advances in Architectural Geometry 2020. Paris, S. 392–405.
Fromm, Asko; Hansmann, Harald; Ofe, Stefan; Schimmelpfennig, Tassilo-Maria (2020): Liquid Reinforcement. In: JCEA 14 (10). DOI: 10.17265/1934-7359/2020.10.005.
Ludwig, Matthias; Liess, Johannes; Fromm, Asko; Schätzke, Andreas; Diebermann, Antje (2018): Der Teepott in Rostock-Warnemünde. 1. Auflage. Berlin: BIngK Bundesingenieurkammer (Historische Wahrzeichen der Ingenieurbaukunst in Deutschland, Band 23).
Fromm, Asko; Schein, Markus, Grohmann, Manfred: Reinforcement of Additive Manufactured Concrete Elements. In: Bögle A, Grohmann M, editors. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2017 September, 2017, Hamburg, Germany Annette Bögle, Manfred Grohmann (eds.).“Interfaces:” 25 - 28th; 2017.
Lindemann, Hendrik; Fromm, Asko; Ott, Joscha; Kloft, Harald: Digital Prefabrication of freeform concrete elements using shotcrete technology. In: Bögle A, Grohmann M, editors. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2017 September, 2017, Hamburg
Fromm, Asko: Betonformgebung im Zeitalter von Industrie 4.0. In: IAB Wissenschaftstage 2016, Tagungsband, Weimar 2016, S. 54-55.
Fromm, Asko; Gerbers, Roman; Neudecker, Stefan (2016): Beton 4.0? Additive Fertigung im Bauwesen. In: Industrie 4.0 Management (5), S.21–25.
Fromm, Asko (2016): Verfestigung additiv gefertigter Formkörper Prototypische Untersuchung zur Armierung und Tränkung. Abschlussbericht zum Fördermittelprojekt SIGNO-Verwertungsförderung. Hannover: Technische Informationsbibliothek u. Universitätsbibliothek.
Fromm, Asko (2016): 3D Printing of Cement-bonded Components.In: Proceedings of Hipermat 2016 - 4th International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials Kassel. Kassel, Germany, 2016: Kassel University Press.
Fromm, Asko (2014): 3-D-Printing zementgebundener Formteile. Grundlagen, Entwicklung und Verwendung, Kassel, Germany, 2016 Kassel University Press.
Proll, Mischa; Fromm, Asko; Grohmann, Manfred; Schopbach, Holger (2011): selfsupporting framework. der Universität Kassel. In: Bund Deutscher Baumeister Architekten und Ingenieure e.V Dipl.-Ing Klaus Schneider München BDB Bayern (Hg.): Vision und Beständigkeit. Baumeistertag 2011. in München 2011. München, S. 15–18.
Proll, Mischa; Fromm, Asko; Grohmann, Manfred; Schopbach, Holger (2010): Das Selfsupportingframework der Universität Kassel. In: Holzbau, die neue quadriga (6-2010), S. 28–31
Becker, Mirco; Tessmann, Oliver; Fromm, Asko (2005): A design approach integrating architectural design with engineering by using programming as an adaptive tool. In: Sariyildiz S., Tuncer B. (Hrsg.): AEC2005, Conference Proceedings. Rotterdam, S. 73-80