Masterclass during the semester break

Our students Jessica Klinge, Marlene Rackow and Lenika Walter came second in this year's Concrete Design Competition (CDC) at the beginning of the year and won a one-week masterclass in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, as well as prize money.

Today's three Master's students from the Architecture degree programme submitted an urban mining concept, supervised by Prof. Dr Asko Fromm in the…

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Drei Nägel – Grand Prix und gold

ADC Talent Award 2024: Grand Prize for Fabian Gröger

A Grand Prix for the best term paper, two golden nails and two awards from the "Talent Award from the Art Directors Club" creative competition for young talent throughout Germany will go to Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences in 2024.

(Hamburg/ Wismar) - While Fabian Gröger (8th semester, Communication Design and Media) is currently travelling in Norway for a freelance photography…

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The students after the award ceremony with the two bronze nails

Two bronze nails for Wismar for the first time

Four students from Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, were honoured at the renowned creative competition "Talent Award from the Art Directors Club" for young talent in Germany.

Two bronze nails were won by the students Julia Hafner, Isabelle Riedel, Celine van der Veen and Vivien Zeitel from the Communication Design and Media…

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With active wheelchair to success

Graduate Felix Lange is constantly developing his thesis "Parafree - E-Mobility "E wie Ergo"" and was recently awarded the "if Design Award 2023".


Felix Lange defended his thesis "Parafree - E-Mobility "E wie Ergo"" more than ten years ago in the design course at the Faculty of Architecture ans…

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Auszeichnung für Wismarer Studentin Cora Schmidt

Winner: Cora Schmidt receives award in Milan

Cora Schmidt, a student on the interior design course, was one of twenty "winners" of the international design competition "one&twenty" in Milan in 2023.


(Wismar/ Mailand) – Für Cora Schmidt waren in diesem Jahr ihre individualisierbaren Urnen, betreut durch Prof. Bettina Menzel, der Fahrschein zur…

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Art Purchase of the State of M-V

The state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has acquired works by graduate Steffen Stender.

The graduate Steffen Stender has been nominated by the Art Commission at the Ministry of Science, Culture, Federal and European Affairs for the art…

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Double success with Master's thesis

Interior design graduate Michelle Wanitzek wins Vectorworks scholarship and international Richard Diehl Award 2022.


The graduate Michelle Wanitzek from the Master's programme Interior Design of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Hochschule Wismar, University…

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Award for Animated Film

Adrián Enrique Jaffé receives the "Lucky Strike Junior Designer Award 2022" for his diploma thesis".

The graduate Adrián Enrique Jaffé has received the "Lucky Strike Junior Designer Award 2022" for the animated film "Blocks", his diploma thesis from…

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Animation film: Award for Rebecca Osterberg

Student Rebecca Osterberg receives award at the CEE Animation Forum in Pilsen.

Wismar/ Pilsen (Czech Republic) - On Thursday, 3rd November 2022, student Rebecca Osterberg from the Communication Design and Media diploma course at…

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Second place at Dachwelten

Submission from the interior design course at the Faculty of Architecture and Design takes second place in the competition Dachwelten.

(Augsburg/ Wismar) Three selected designs, those of Cora Schmidt, Emma Hille and Florentine Gühlke, were submitted to the university competition…

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Interior design: Award for Emma Hille

Emma Hille from the Interior Design Bachelor's degree programme at the Faculty of Architecture and Design wins the European Product Design Award 2022.

Interior design student Emma Hille won the European Product Design Award in the "Students" category with her "moborm" luminaire design on the topic of…

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There are five people on the jury.

Special Foundation Award for Wismar Project

With 25,000 euros from the Sto Foundation, our university will implement the "Common(Re)Constructor" project together with the Technical University of Dortmund.

The goal of the project is the development and construction of a special pavilion by students of the Faculty of Architecture and Design under the…

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3rd place in Arch'bois ideas competition

Wismar Master's student Pyae Phyo Kyaw from the architecture course wins third place in the student ideas competition "Arch'bois" in Paris.Der Wismarer Master-Student Pyae Phyo Kyaw aus dem Studiengang Architektur gewinnt dritten Platz beim studentischen Ideenwettbewerb „Arch’bois“ in Paris.

During his stay abroad at our French partner university École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture, Paris Val de Seine (ENSAPVS), Pyae Phyo Kyaw, a…

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Es sind die drei Ausgezeichneten zu sehen.

Award: AIV Schinkel Competition 2022

Peer Röder, Milena Lousia Müller and Philip Mein receive the 2022 Special Award for outstanding engineering achievement in the specialist field of "Structural Engineering".

At the beginning of March 2022, the winners of the 167th AIV Schinkel Competition on the theme "Resource Rüdersdorf - remixed" were published by the…

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Ideas competition: House of the Guest in Dahme

Students from the architecture course presented their designs for the "Haus des Gastes" (Guest House) in the Baltic Sea resort of Dahme to a jury of several members. Prize winners included.

On Tuesday, 8 March 2022, Bachelor's and Master's students from the architecture course of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Hochschule…

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Graduate Lara Swiontek wins sponsorship award

Graduate Lara Swiontek won one of six Hans Meid sponsorship prizes with her diploma thesis, the graphic novel "Verwandlung".

In addition to the main prize and a medal of honour, the Hans Meid Foundation 2021 awarded six promotional prizes as part of its university…

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Graduate Tatiana Lebedeva wins with living capsules

The graduate Tatiana Lebedeva from the Interior Design course won the "Non Architecture Awards for Unbuilt Projects" in the "Architecture" category.

The graduate Tatiana Lebedeva from the interior design course of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied…

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1st place for architecture student Sven Sander

With his design "Symbiosis Green", Master's student Sven Sander wins first place in the young talent competition "Conceptual Working 2020.21" of the Bundesverband der Kalksandsteinindustrie e.V. (Federal Association of the Sand Lime Brick Industry).

Master's student Sven Sander from the architecture course of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at the Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied…

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Rudo Spemann-Prize 2021 for Ole Freytag and Lisa Müller

The first two places in the "Rudo Spemann-Competition 2021" went to the students Ole Freytag and Lisa Müller from the Diploma-Course Communication Design and Media at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences, according to the Klingspor Museum in Offenbach am Main (Germany) in October 2021 when the prize winners were announced.

The two winning entries from Wismar on the topic "I want to vent - My appeal today, my appeal to tomorrow." were created in the summer semester 2021…

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Young Talent Award: Winner in Gold 2021

Rebekka Jochem and Jacobo Cuesta Wolf (Design alumni) have received the "Young Talent" award "Winner in Gold 2021" at the German Packaging Award 2021.

Graduate Rebekka Jochem and graduate Jacobo Cuesta Wolf from the Design course of the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Hochschule…

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"Typically German. Typically Russian." awarded

Student Iris Groneick wins 1st place in the cartoon competition of the German-Russian Patnership Schwerin e.V. with her digital drawing.

(Schwerin) - On Friday, 30th July 2021, student Iris Groneick from the Communication Design and Media diploma course at the Faculty of Architecture…

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Award for Samuel Lewek

Graduate Samuel Lewek received recognition in the "Communication Design" category of the "aed neuland 2021" young talent competition with his thesis "Im Trüben".

The graduate Samuel Lewek from the diploma program Communication Design and Media of the Faculty of Architecture ans Design at the Hochschule Wismar,…

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Designs for Kröpelin awarded

Three first places and nine purchases awarded in student ideas competition for the education campus in Kröpelin.

On Thursday, June 3, 2021, the first place to third place and nine purchases out of forty submitted designs by bachelor and master students from the…

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Lighting: Preis für Alumnus Luis Villasana

Wismar graduate Luis Villasana receives "LiTG Young Talent Award, Light, Technology, Design".


The graduate Luis Villasana receives for his master thesis "Lighting the Heritage in Public Spaces: Universitarian City of Caracas (CUC) - Venezuela"…

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Poster competition: Third place for April Suddendorf

In the nationwide poster competition on the theme "I study - what's research to me?", student April Suddendorf from the Communication Design and Media degree program wins third place. Supervised by professorship representative Sophia Martineck.

April Suddendorf, a student from the Communication Design and Media diploma program at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Wismar University of…

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TGZ Schwerin: Awards for facade design

Winners of the student ideas competition "Facade design of new building 7, TGZ Schwerin" selected.



On Wednesday, December 9th, 2020, the presentations of the student ideas competition "Facade design of new building 7, TGZ Schwerin" were held in the…

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Art medal by Svea Finck awarded

Svea Finck, a student from the diploma course in jewelry design at the Faculty of Design at Wismar University of Applied Sciences, has won first prize in the young talent competition for art medals on the theme of "Three Graces" with her work "Tell mE HoW tO bE A WOmEn".

The Numismatic Collection of the National Museums in Berlin, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medaillenkunst e.V. (German Medal Society) and the…

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Gottlob Frege Prize 2020 for Attendo

Niklas Deinzer from the diploma course Design of the Faculty of Architecture and Design in Wismar has won the Gottlob-Frege-Award 2020 with his final thesis "Development of a system for the mobilization of people in need of care" in the field of study Product Design.

His thesis was supervised by Prof. Volker Zölch. The second examiner was Martin Hoss from the company Greenfields-ID in Adendorf. Self-determined…

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